The following resources provide further savings tips, along with guidance on how to keep your home warm and dry:


A pilot scheme from the Electricity Retailers' Association of NZ (ERANZ) supported by we*, providing useful advice and practical support.


An EECA government agency dedicated to helping New Zealanders use less energy, with tips on how to make your home warm, dry and healthier.


A housing coordination service from Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand for the Wellington region, which delivers one of the Ministry of Health's Healthy Homes Initiatives. You can apply online for help.



Resources and videos in multiple languages, helping whānau keep warm and dry homes.


Consumer NZ’s A renter's guide to a warmer home provides advice on what you can do to make your home warmer and cheaper to heat.


A free and independent energy price comparison website from Consumer NZ.



A Tenancy Services resource for boarding houses which includes plenty of general healthy homes advice.



The HomeFit Online Check is a self-assessment tool for landlords, homeowners and renters to find out how they can improve their home's warmth and dryness.



A resource from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) providing practical advice for the building industry, including energy saving tips.



The Citizens Advice Bureau has details of organisations who offer free curtains to low income households.



Get advice about heating and insulation, or book a free Home Energy Assessment if you live in Wellington City Council’s area. Homeowners outside of Wellington can still book a free Warm, Dry, Home Assessment.


Get information on keeping your home warm and dry, or book a free Hutt City Council (HCC) EDA appointment at if you live in HCC’s area.

Kāinga Ora also have a page on their website dedicated to keeping your power bill down and your home warm and dry.

Staying Warm

As well as the tips featured in our Money Saving Calculator, you might also want to consider the following:

Heating (to warm up your rooms)

✔️ DO:

  • If you have a heat pump, set it between 18 and 22°C and keep it regularly maintained.

  • Place thermostats away from heat sources and open doors.

  • If you're using a wood burner, only burn dry, untreated and unpainted wood less than 11cm in diameter.

  • Keep all items – especially potentially flammable ones – at least one metre away from heaters and fires.

  • Plug electric heaters directly into a power socket rather than using a multiboard, to prevent overloading.

  • Use electric blankets safely and not with a hot water bottle. If you can, limit their use to save on power.

  • Close doors to keep the heat in.

❌ DON'T:

  • Leave any type of heater running while you're not in the room (except for heat pumps with a timer set).

  • Use an open oven door as a heater.

  • Use unflued gas heaters. If you have to use one, only do so for a short period (and never in small rooms) and keep a window and internal doors open for good ventilation.
    See WorkSafe's guidance or email [email protected] for advice.

Insulation (to keep the heat in)

✔️ DO:

  • Make sure your home is well insulated (in most cases, rental homes must be insulated by law).

  • Look into double or secondary glazing, or buy a window film insulation kit from a hardware store or supplier.

  • Tighten any loose door hinges to make sure doors fit snugly into their frames.

  • Block off any unused chimneys with a rubbish bag filled with shredded newspaper (make it obvious it's blocked, so nobody tries to light a fire) and secure your ceiling hatch, if there is one.

  • Use rugs and carpets where underfloor insulation isn't possible.

  • Keep the outside of your home sealed and painted.

❌ DON'T:

  • Touch foil insulation, which has been banned in residential buildings since 2016 due to the risk of electric shock.

  • Touch asbestos-containing insulation, which may be present in homes built or renovated before the year 2000.
    See WorkSafe's guidance or email [email protected] for advice.

Ventilation (to reduce moisture)

A dry home is easier and cheaper to heat.

✔️ DO:

  • Open windows once or twice a day for around 10-15 minutes if you can, or use a ventilation system.

  • Wipe away condensation from windows and walls.

  • Hang washing outside to dry if you can. If you're using a dryer with no exhaust vent, turn on an extractor fan or open a window. Do the same while showering, or install a shower dome to stop steam escaping.

  • While cooking, use the rangehood or extractor fan (or open a window) and use pan lids to keep the steam in.

  • Move furniture away from walls and leave wardrobes slightly open to discourage mould.

  • Use a dehumidifier, but only on damp days as they aren't a long-term solution and can be expensive to run.

  • Look into getting a ground moisture barrier installed, or ask your landlord about this.

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